Wet Leg albums
Wet Leg - 87%
Wet Leg are the years blast of fun. Critics dig them and audiences can't stop listening, its the rare case of super accessible while also being somewhat meaningful. "Piece of Shit" sums it all up in a very immature way with lyrics that have plenty of pathos but also sound like they are coming from someone in middle school; it's beautifully created by lead singer Rhian Teasdale. There is a quality and a aged feeling ot certain tracks though, like "Convincing" sung by Hester Chambers, that seems both world-weary and well done, and of course "Chaise Lounge" which somehow has grabbed the world's attention by having a vocal approach of well....talking in a confused state. Never before have statements like "Excuse Me? What??" been so hilarious.
The band can't escape comparisons to others that have come before, the influence of The Strokes is there but it honestly reminds me more of Kim Deal's songs form the 1990's, specifically The Amps. "Wet Dream" is one of the catchiest songs of the year, but its in possible to imagine with out the Breeders "Cannonball" or Amp's "Tipp City". "I Don't Wanna Go Out" recalls the best of Pavement, groovy guitar lines with a catchy melody. "Supermarket" grabs a drum fill from Ringo Starr, and the detachment form 4 Non Blondes. Despite all the obvious comparisons, the album is a strong one, it is relistenable and has plenty of charm and meaning despite its slick package and messy vocals. Everything has a very self aware quality, like a character in a movie breaking the fourth wall- see the decision to scream in "Oh No", Teasdale explains she is going to do it before it actually happens. More than just an easy listen, there is plenty of easter eggs on this album for people who have a strong history of rock n roll history. Who knows where they will go from here, but if closer "Too Late Now" teaches us anything, they will be relaxing quite a bit before making another decision.