Lankum albums


False Lankum - 77%

This band occupies an odd space in the world currently, a gourmet of musicians that like to cover traditional Irish folk songs but are also in love with droning instrumentals and gothic soundscapes. Their penchant for cover songs is something I admit I had to get used to, as songs such as "Clear Away in the Morning" and the heartbreaking “Newcastle” are nice reworkings but I am someone usually who prefers originals. So the questions is- what if these re-workings barley sound like the originals OR even better they improve upon them with a band’s own distinct stamp? It’s an interesting conundrum I have gotten myself into. For example, one big thing I think about all the time is eventually- whether its 5 years or 75 years – every song eventually falls into the public domain. And when that happens, only the truly great music will remain….

     When Lankum do place their own songs on the album, the brooding and hauntingly sweet "Netta Pursus" with an amazing and quite memorable female lead vocal, and the 12 minute ending the record “The Turn” ever so full of drrrrrooooonnnneeee, Lankum do make a mark on our souls that is hard to shake. Their ability to standout just for their unique sound this year (for those that care, it’s something like Fairport Convention adding lyrics to songs by Stars of the Lid) alone gives them a place on my list. Deep in my heart though, I hope next time there are less cover songs and more originals, because they are really great at writing songs and conveying their atmospheric stamp on our current culture..


Best Songs: Netta Perseus, The Turn, Newcastle, Go Dig My Grave