Hey Colossus albums





In Blood - 82%

The hard rock of this band is a nice change of pace, slowly proving the grungy rock n roll of the 1990’s is not dead. Hey Colossus has been at it for quite a bit and this is not my first listen with them, but there is something unified about this record that really sets them free. “I Could Almost Care” has a riff that recalls prime era Girls Against Boys, while “TV Alone” has a similar post-grunge vibe that is music to my ears, recalling Black Sabbath updated to the 21st century (or at least Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age jr) as lead singer Robert Davis howls with dark intentions. That is not all the record has to offer (though it is what the band does best these days) as much of this is more of a ‘grower’ quality: “Curved in the Air” gives their three guitar attack a more psychedelic quality with a slowly entrancing melody, while “Perle” is a bit more menacing with its more doom-metal vocals recalling the band’s earlier work.

Closer “Over Cedar Limb” has to be listened to several times to truly take in, but it’s an epic track worth its seven-and-a-half minute running time. It’s an epic crescendo I don’t think has been matched this year…. it’s sort of like a drugged out sludge version of Slint’s “Good Morning Captain”. Hard rock electric guitar songs that sound spacey and clean are always a soft spot for me, but we get so little of it that is actually GOOD these days- so I found an album for us, if you are weird like me!


Best Songs: I Could Almost Care, Tv Alone, Curved in the Air