Daughters albums




Daughters – 81%


Best Songs: Our Queens, Sweet Georgie Brown, The Hit



You Won’t Get What You Deserve - 95%

Speaking of uncompromising, the return of Daughters is a wakeup call for our generation for sure. This is Music that shakes you to your soul and makes you question your sanity. In the spirit of Jesus Lizard and Pere Ubu, there are semi-melodic blasts of noise like lovely screams of, “Don’t tell me how to do my job!” in “The Reason they Hate Me” and the quite literal guttural yelps of “The Flammable Man”. There are also apocalyptic ballads such as the jovially off kilter “Satan in the Wait” or the gospel dreg of “Less Sex”, sounding as if the band Algiers had been possessed by the noisy demon of Sonic Youth.

But mostly this music as open-heart surgery with no anesthetic. “City Song” is the most challenging listen and it is the first track! “Long Road No Turns” is truly the highway to hell, AC/DC would be proud. “Ocean Song” recalls early 80’s Nick Cave at its most frightening murder ballad self, while “Daughter” is a further deconstruction of what a rock song is, like many of the songs on here there are stops and starts abounding in the music that while off putting at first sound better and better upon subsequent listens. This is only the band’s second album after an 8-year hiatus of sorts, but it is a marvelous leap forward. Who knows what the future of their music holds for the adventurous listeners out there. You Wont Get what You Want is an apt title for this record, but it is what the bolt of lightning that rock music needed in 2018 and nearly a perfect hard rock masterpiece.


Best Songs: The Reason they Hate Me, Satan in the Wait, The Flammable Man, Daughter